Sports Minister John Enoh: In Need of Help

John Enoh the current Minister of sports is full of baloney.

He is one that needs a truck load of pity to do his job.

He is one completely out of his depth as it regards not just sports administration it what it entails to be a minister of the Federal Republic.

Watching his various television appearances most of which are clearly orchestrated one comes to the early conclusion that John Enoh is gropping in the dark alleys of sheer incompetence and ignorance

A closer examination of his style reveal a misguided public official too much in a hurry to make impact without doing the heavy lifting.

That is the tragedy of John Enoh and by extension our sports development.

A narcissist at best, forget all the pretence, he is in a hurry to claim victory even where there is no contest.

Our challenge of our sports development is how to take it to the next level and not how to beat down sports federations, beat down atheletes for being more emotional that rationale according to John Enoe and not about comparing his one year to the years of his predecessors in office and by God they are many.

Just like driving a car. When you grab the keys you move and never use the reverse gear unless when necessary.

Not in the case of Mr. Enoe.
Imagine if the President that appointed John Enoe has been behaving like him blaming Buhari and Jonathan for all the country’s problems.

Rather than do that, President Tinubu has strengthened good polices he met on ground but most importantly come up with a medley of new policies and initiatives in cross cutting sectors to move the country along.That’s the hall mark of leadership.

How leaders handle situations is the true test of leadership.

The fall out from the olympics and the reaction of John Enoh and his media rants on television and radio have exposed him as a bad leader.

Rather than take responsibility like a grown man, he has heaped blames on everything and everyone but himself.

Sad. Very Sad. The picture of him lashing out on television to blame others Is pathetic and reveals a Minister in need of help.

His attitude to the Assignment he has been given shows that our sports development is in unsteady hands and I dare say in an unstable mind.

He cannot hold the stable with the way he has handled our sports these past year.

He is clearly a football Minister. He is more excited to travel and dine with the Dankaroo House boys.

And for the first time we got a Minister traveling around the world, sometimes alone to search for and hire a national coach for the Super Eagles.

Yes. He has spent weeks in several capitals in search of a national coach. How low can the minister sink.

The result is the disaster they have made of finding Nigeria a coach. As we speak the Super Eagles are technically coachless.

Thanks to John Enoh.
For the records. His threat against the sports federations and atheletes will not work.

It will Ignite trouble. His threat to rewrite the constitution of federations will spell doom.

It is laughable that a sports minister will think Nigeria did not win medals because of the type of constitution federations have.

On many fronts I can say with my experience as a sports analyst for 20 years that John Enoh is headed in the wrong direction.

By the way, we need to hit the pause button and find out from him where the billions for Nff, Olympics, All Africa Games all went in 8..months.

Atleast if he claims 12 months was not enough to prepare for the Olympics perhaps he should explain how quickly he burnt the billions he got.

Chasing shadows where non exist and pontificating will only sink our sports deeper.

Advise for John Enoh. Calm down. Settle down. Right now. Most people believe you came for the money and influence and not to serve.

By Jimoh Ahmed
(Sports Analyst)